Invited Speaker

Prof. Alina Bărbulescu
Technical University of Civil EngineeringBucharest, Romania (Doctoral School)
Speech Title: Maximum precipitation interpolation using an evolutionary optimized IDW algorithm
Abstract: This article presents the results of spatial interpolation of precipitation series by a new approach that improves the finding of the beta parameter in the Inverse Distance Weighting Algorithm (IDW) using an evolutionary technique. The algorithm was applied to interpolate 51 series of maximum annual precipitations and compare its performances with those of the classical IDW and the optimized IDW by Particle Swarm Optimization (OIDW). The results are better in terms of mean standard error (MSE) and mean absolute deviation (MAD).
Biography: Alina Bărbulescu graduated from the University of Craiova, Romania, Faculty of Mathematics and from Petre Andrei University of Iasi, Romania (Faculty of Law). After a Master in Mathematics at Bucharest University (Romania), she got the Ph.D in Mathematics, from Al I Cuza University of Iasi (Romania), the Ph.D in Cybernetics and Economic Statistics, from Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest (Romania) and the Ph.D in Civil Engineering, with Magna cum Laude, at the Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest (Romania). She got the habilitation in Civil Engineering in 2014, with the Thesis Modelling the spatial distributed precipitations. Dr. Barbulescu works in the field of mathematics, applied statistics and hydrological modelling. Nowadays she works at Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and is Ph.D supervisor at Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania. She is author of 23 books and over 150 articles, published in peer reviewed international journals, invited editor for 16 books and special issues of international journals, being also a member of editorial boards of 6 journals, among which International Journal of Mathematics and Computation and International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics.