Call for Special Sessions
Special session proposals should include the title, aim and scope (including a list of main topics), and the names of the organizers of the special session, together with a short biography of all organizers. A list of potential contributors will be helpful.Special session proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness, uniqueness of the topic and qualifications of the proposers. The proposers are expected to have a PhD degree and have a good publication track record in the proposed area. After review, a decision on whether the proposal will be accepted will be sent to the proposers within two weeks after receipt of the proposals. Accepted special sessions will be listed on the website. However, it is likely that an accepted proposal will be combined with another one to avoid multiple special sessions covering a similar topic.
Please send us the proposal via email: or
Special Session on Coastal vulnerability and Climate Change

Special Session Chair
Dr. Komali Kantamaneni
Senior Research Fellow
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Central Lancashire
United Kingdom
Dr. Komali Kantamaneni
Senior Research Fellow
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Central Lancashire
United Kingdom
Coastal vulnerability associated with climate change are increasing the susceptibility of coastal areas around the globe. This was particularly evident during 2010-2020 when many coastal areas and infrastructure suffered from unprecedented storms, flooding, and erosion across the world. Given the value and importance of coastal environments, there is a real need to evaluate the vulnerability of rural areas, towns and cities on the global coastline on the basis of the latest projected climate scenarios. The special session will consider key subjects within the remit of climate change and coastal vulnerability to be discussed at the 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2021). This is an opportunity to share your research in this particular field with national and international colleagues at the world-renowned research arena. Authors at all career stages are encouraged to submit one or more abstracts.
Suggested topics of this special session include but are not limited to:
• Coastal vulnerability and risk assessment (regional, national, international and global scales) in both physical and socio-economic aspects
• Coastal hazards, coastal flooding and climate change
• Development of new models to evaluate coastal vulnerability
• Coastal disasters, coastal erosion and mitigation
• Coastal management and policy and decision making
Submission Deadline: October 10, 2021
This special session is now open for submission and registration. Please submit your abstract/full paper via the Submission System and choose the option of "Special Session: Coastal vulnerability and Climate Change " . After that, you can make the conference registration directly via the Registration Page or the conference secretary will contact you for further information.
Special Session on Estuarine Water Quality Management: Current and future challenges
Lead Chairs
Dr. S. Haddout, Department of Physics, Faéculty of Science, Ibn Tofail University, B.P. 133 Kenitra, Morocco.
Dr. K. L. Priya, Department of Civil Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, India.
Dr. Joan Cecilia C. Casila, Land and Water Resources Division, Institute of Agricultural Engineering College of Engineering and Agro-industrial Technology, University of the Philippines-Los Baños.
Dr. A.M. Hoguane, Centre for Marine Research and Technology, Eduardo Mondlane University, Quelimane, Mozambique.
Dr. K. L. Priya, Department of Civil Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, India.
Dr. Joan Cecilia C. Casila, Land and Water Resources Division, Institute of Agricultural Engineering College of Engineering and Agro-industrial Technology, University of the Philippines-Los Baños.
Dr. A.M. Hoguane, Centre for Marine Research and Technology, Eduardo Mondlane University, Quelimane, Mozambique.
Mode of Sessions
Virtual Through Microsoft Teams
Best Oral Award
Awarded to the best oral presentation based on the following criteria: presentation, novelty of the topic, socio-economic importance and presentation skills. The best oral presented will be honored through a certificate of merit.
Best Poster Award
Awarded to the best poster presentation. The best poster presented will be honored through a certificate of merit.
Estuaries, where rivers with fresh water meet the salty open sea, play an essential role in the human-earth system. The estuary serves as a superb habitat for a vast array of plants and animals. Humans rely on estuaries for water, food, leisure, transport, and coastal protection. Estuarine management is complex because estuaries are subjected to influences from marine, riverine, terrestrial ecosystems, and are increasingly affected by human activities. Many estuaries are at risk as a result of issues including pollution, biodiversity crisis, floods, salt intrusion, channel infilling and bank erosion. Therefore, we propose a special scientific session on estuarine water quality management: Current and future challenges. Scientists, academicians, decision makers, government and non-government officials and stakeholders are invited to present their research updates and novel solutions. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers on a wide range of topic areas, including, but are not limited to:
- Estuary ecology and biodiversity
- Observations and modelling of estuarine pollution and water quality
- Socioeconomic importance of estuaries
- Estuary natural resources and ecosystem sustainability
- Estuarine flood modelling, risk analysis, and early warning systems
- Sediment transport and morphological evolution
- Anthropogenic pressure on estuaries
- Climate change effects on estuaries
Timelines and submission: Manuscript submission deadline (via the Submission System and choose the option of "Special Session: Estuarine Water Quality Management: Current and future challenges"): October 15, 2021
Special Session on Assessing Hydrological Extremes in A Climate Change: Methods and Measures
Chair: Prof. Dr. Habil. Alina Bărbulescu, Transilvania University of Brașov, Department of Civil Engineering, Brașov, Romania
Water is an essential element for human life, highly impacting food security. Water scarcity is intensified by the drought episodes, which appear to be more frequent due to climate change. Drought is a natural hazard that affects not only the anthropic activity but the ecosystems as well, some of its effects being associated with drought in rivers, lakes, groundwater. On another hand, floods occurs frequatly with a hiher intensity that two decade ago. In this context, evaluation and forecasting the extremes episodes and mitigating their effects are topics of interest not only for researchers but for decision factors as well.
The main topics of this Special Issue are:
- Drought indices
- Risk and uncertainty in detecting extreme events
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis of extreme events
- Hazards and risks in extremes assessment
- Impact of climate change on the frequency of extreme hydrological events.
- New methods for estimating and forecasting the frequency and intensity of extreme episodes.
Submission Deadline: October 10, 2021
After a peer review process, the articles can be published in the Special issue of Water (MDPI, IF=2.544) : Assessing hydrological drought in a climate change: methods and measures
Special Session on "Integration of Remote Sensing & GIS application for Urban and Rural Ecological Water Resources."
Lead Chairs
Dr. Anoop Kumar Shukla, Manipal School of Architecture and Planning, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Udupi, Karnataka, India
Dr. Deepika Shetty, Manipal School of Architecture and Planning, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Udupi, Karnataka, India
Dr. Shray Pathak, Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra (NITK), Haryana, India
Dr. Chetan Sharma, Civil Engineering Department, JIET, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
Dr. Satyavati Shukla, College of Earth Sciences, Guilin University of Technology, Yanshan District, Guilin, Guangxi-541006, China
Dr. Deepika Shetty, Manipal School of Architecture and Planning, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Udupi, Karnataka, India
Dr. Shray Pathak, Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra (NITK), Haryana, India
Dr. Chetan Sharma, Civil Engineering Department, JIET, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
Dr. Satyavati Shukla, College of Earth Sciences, Guilin University of Technology, Yanshan District, Guilin, Guangxi-541006, China
Mode of Sessions
Offline and Online presentations (Virtual Through Microsoft Teams)
Best Oral/Poster Award
Awarded to the best oral/poster presentation based on the following criteria: presentation, originality, and newness of contribution, appropriate application of the methodology, and effective communication of the central ideas of the work. The best oral/poster presented will be honored through a certificate of merit.
Water is an essential prerequisite for development and growth. In fact, all civilizations have evolved around water. Continuously increasing pressure on the freshwater resources and LULC transformation are becoming the cause of several problems such as depleting quantity & quality of water resources, severe drought conditions, damage of ecosystems, and decreasing economic development. If these problems are not solved, we will face unprecedented survival challenges. Humans often directly or indirectly dump wastes at rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and oceans, which pollute water bodies and sediments, deteriorating the physical and chemical properties, biological composition, and bottom conditions. This waste also reduces the value of water resources. Water pollution includes natural pollution and man-made pollution; the former mainly occurs through the physical blending of sediments and mineral decomposition; the latter is composed of household, business, and wastes from urban, rural areas, mines, and construction activities. In addition, future solutions require contributions from experts in the fields of wastewater, urban planning, and regulations. Our special scientific session believes that case studies and academic research on conceptual design will make a significant contribution to explaining the shift of perspective. It is our pleasure to invite work that explores solutions for water resource management or research cases. They should focus not only on the impact of water resource management and process efficiency on urban and rural development, but also on how they affect urban and rural environments. Our goal is to organize manuscripts of decision support systems in the form of models that can be used for discussion between government management, stakeholders, decision-makers, urban planners, and public participation. Therefore, prospective authors are invited to submit a research papers on a wide range of topic areas, including, but are not limited to:
- Urban and rural ecological water resources
- Urban landscape and LULC mapping
- Urban ecology
- Water and ecology as urban conditions
- Balancing the urban and the natural
- Measuring biodiversity in urban environments
- Urban forestry and forest water yield
- Landscape management approaches and monitoring
- Systems approaches to urban change
- Urban landscape system and the built environment
- Remote sensing and GIS application in water resources planning and management
- Mapping environment impact and ecological services and sustainable practices of development
- Food-energy-water-space nexus
- Clean and healthy air, water, and soil
- Heat island effects, heat waves, resilience, and health
- Resilient city and resilient communities
- Landscape-based regional urban development and climate adaptation
- Emergency preparedness and response
- Water scarcity and water resources mapping and GIS
- Resilience in the built environment to COVID-19 and other virus infections
Manuscript submission deadline: October 5, 2021